BFT Rant on Hats
If you're a baseball guy, odds are you like hats. I have been to 17 of the 30 MLB stadiums, so far. Every time I go to a new stadium, I get a new hat of the team. I went to Coors Field when I was 10 years old. I had a hat from Coors Field, but that hat no longer fits. I wanted to get another Rockies hat that just looked fresh as fuck because they have some clean looks. So, I ordered what I thought was a sweet Rockies hat with the Colorado state flag in the logo. This was the absolute worst fucking hat I had ever gotten. I am returning this no question, which sucks dick because why in the fuck do I want to spend my time going to a post office to return an order that they fucked up.
First off, they shipped me the wrong sized hat. It had the correctly sized sticker, but it was right on the inside of the hat that it was the incorrect size. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this shit out. Next, I wanted to talk about the material. I was actually really glad they sent me the wrong size, because I would've had no other reason to return this absolute atrocity of a hat. The material was like the material for waterproof hats where its got that plastic coating feel to it. As a hat guy, that is just absolutely the worst thing you can feel when trying on a hat, in my opinion (You guys can all have your opinions. They're all wrong, but that's okay.). From the pictures you see online at the store, you have no clue that this is the material you're getting. It was just an absolute atrocity. I'm going to start ranking hats around the MLB. Regular and classic hats will be included, but I am definitely starting with this hat. Oh God it is just pure awfulness. Fuck it was bad. I need twenty minutes to cry in my shower just after trying that hat on. Absolute garbage. We'll rank it on a scale of 0-10, and this will be a ranking until we cover all of the hats that I feel that I want to cover.
This is an absolute no brainer. I am so disappointed with this hat. I did have high expectations, but everything I about this hat just let me down. There is no positive about this hat for me, except for the logo. This hat could be great for someone that wants to go to Law St Beach or OB and wants to get in the water with this hat, but it is garbage for someone that just wants to wear a hat.
Overall Rank: 0/10